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Tips for a successful job interview


What recruiters always question in job interviews comes from a line that also tries to understand each person’s level of self-awareness.

Employees are therefore often asked what their 3 virtues and 3 mistakes are? Talk about you; Why should the company admit it? In what ways are you trying to contribute to the organization?


It’s important to be prepared for these questions.

Have a successful job interview with these tips

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Tips for a successful job interview

Tips for a successful job interview


Learning to answer the above questions is very important, as is usual in any job interview, because in addition to the technical aspects, recruiters try to discover the behavioral characteristics that are more or less noticeable in each candidate. For your biggest aspects of improvement, try to have a strong argument that supports your desire to be in the company and present your truth.

It can be difficult for many people to talk about their “flaws” with a stranger who might offer them a job, but just believe in the aspects that need improvement and always point out to the presentation what you are doing in practice to alleviate or eliminate this factor. .

For example: I’m a little anxious, but I’m already investing in morning meditation to control this aspect and it worked.

Finally, it’s always important to communicate the decisions you make regarding progress, as this mostly shows self-criticism and a desire for growth.

Dedicate yourself to your Self-development

You certainly, objectively or indirectly, have already gathered improvement comments from your former bosses or friends at work about certain behaviors you need to improve. Therefore, always try to seek self-development, since one aspect of the behavioral job interview is to check the possibility that you can reproduce the mistakes of the past.

See more:  4 tips for planning an interview

Always have a positive behavior

Don’t come in looking defeated or unmotivated or you simply won’t get hired. This tip is indispensable if you want to have a successful job interview.

Credits – Cover image: <a href=”https://br.freepik.com/fotos/negocio”>Negócio foto criado por javi_indy – br.freepik.com</a>

Post inside image: <a href=”https://br.freepik.com/fotos/negocio”>Negócio foto criado por benzoix – br.freepik.com</a>