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How to Shine During a Job Interview

With competition these days, it’s harder to shine during a job interview. However, you can use these tips to help you prepare for and land your dream job.

1. Take care of your look

You can see your personality and beliefs through the clothes you wear. Recruiters are considering this.

2. Always be kind and polite during the job interview

During a job interview, it is important to always be kind and polite. There are many different types of questions that will likely be asked in the interview, but you should avoid being impolite or disrespectful in any way.

3. Show yourself capable for the job and the market

Before the job interview, the recruiter carefully reviewed your resume to find out if you are proficient in the necessary skills. It is essential that you show during the communication that you are ready for the tasks and also attentive to the market.

4. Have good communication to shine through during a job interview

Public speaking is an important skill for many professional positions as it demonstrates your expressiveness, which is a more important “quality of work” requirement than other qualifications.

5. Don’t leave the good manners behind

How to Shine During a Job Interview

How to Shine During a Job Interview

Good manners are combined with other behaviors, such as:




6. Mirror yourself in the recruiter

You’ve heard about the mirror strategy in job interviews. The idea is to see what the recruiter is doing and then imitate him in actions such as sitting, gesturing, or adopting similar postures.

7. Show interest

It’s important for the recruiter to note that you’re not just there for another routine job interview, but because you’re really interested in the job. This is definitely something that will make you shine during a job interview.

8. Be authentic

It’s always important to tell your recruiter the truth. They will see how genuine you are and will consider your sincerity valuable.

Credits – Cover image: <a href=”https://br.freepik.com/fotos/negocio”>Negócio foto criado por yanalya – br.freepik.com</a>

Post inside image: <a href=”https://br.freepik.com/vetores/trabalho”>Trabalho vetor criado por stories – br.freepik.com</a>